After 2015: The U.N. Millennium Development Goals

The United Nations in their Millennium Development Goals have highlighted key issues including poverty, environmental sustainability and HIV/AIDS as areas for improvement in the future. As the 2015 target date for achieving the Goals approaches, our panel puts forth their opinions on what still needs to be done to manage future global challenges and the issues that deserve greater attention in the coming years.

On the occasion of a technical article which I was invited to write for Research Media UK Ltd., which is published in EuroFocus ICT Issue no° 18 of International Innovation, Research Media UK Ltd. hosted also a Research Rountable:

Research Roundtable: “Dr. Braun, what are the main challenges – either globally or locally – that you believe warrant greater action and awareness?

Dr. Artur Braun: “Universal education, in its widest sense and in its literal meaning, is the key issue for the Millennium Development Goals. The other key issues – some of them are technological, but all of them are societal – cannot be effectively addressed without universal education. All societies will have to review how we deal with Nature, our neighbours and ourselves.


You can download my article on protons and hydrogen in the context of fuel cells here:

The ins and outs of hydrogen

International Innovation


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